In Harm’s Way
Health care workers around the world are risking their lives — and those of their families — to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Since April, The New York Times has collected their reflections. I contributed to this project by researching and photographing health workers in Naples, Italy.
The New York Times
I thought I was a weak person. Now I am discovering that I have power and courage above all my expectations.
Ilaria Sommonte
The patient’s glance, with a silence eloquence, begged us not to send him “downstairs”
Gabriele Somma
As doctors, we still feel that it is not over after all
Dania Sannino
The pandemic has been like a war
Maria Notaro
We cannot yet let our guard down in the fight against the coronavirus
Romolo Villani
People here have started living as if nothing has happened, but in my hospital we are ready
Crescenzo Sala